What is Marketing Automation and how does it help you grow your business?

Evie Diaz Bizniversity®
What is Marketing Automation and how does it help you grow your business?

By now, if you have been following me for one minute, you have heard me mention the word automation and you may be wondering, what is it?

Automation is about streamlining processes, limiting distractions, and saving time and effort. By leveraging automation, you will have a mind that is clear of clutter and will be able to spend your days doing more of what matters most to you.

You may be wondering what can you automate?

You can automate practically all of your marketing tasks, but my favorite three things to automate are:

Social Media
Email Marketing
Blog Content Writing

Content marketing automation is on the rise. To stay competitive, more and more business owners like you are looking into using content automation software.
This type of software can help you to automatically generate content for social media, blog posts, and email marketing.
Content automation can save your company hours of time that would otherwise be wasted on creating content manually.
Automated marketing is a...

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For the First-Time Hindsight is 2020

What does that mean?

What does that mean to your business today?

Why should you care?

I mean why should you care because after all, 2020 is gone.
The year 2020 may be gone, but perhaps not completely forgotten.

Yes, it is true that for the first time we can say, “hindsight is 2020”.
What does that phrase mean?

When I Googled it, this is what I found:

“This expression means: It's easier to analyze and evaluate situations when we're looking back on them in the past, than when we're in the present moment. The word hindsight refers to looking back or reflecting on things in the past, and 20/20 refers to perfect vision.”

From a business perspective, what does that mean to you today as we enter the first week of work in 2021?

I want us to focus on the word “hindsight” as reflecting on things in the past.

Perhaps as we look back to 2020, we may say that everything we should have known became obvious.
What does that mean to you?

As I reflect on...

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How to Attract 100 New Leads When You Suck at Marketing


If you suck at marketing the title of this blog may have caught your attention. (it may take you less than 5 minutes to read it!)

This is a quick blog summary of a 90-Minute LIVE Hands-on, intensive, virtual seminar, and tutorial that I do at Bizniversity.com.

While it is simple for me to attract 100 new leads because I have over 15 years of experience, I know that you may be thinking that it may not be so “easy” for you. But do not worry because I am going to share very simple steps with you here and then I will invite you to check out all the ways that you can grow your business by attracting leads when you join our Virtual Seminar with a similar title. Yes, we do a hands-on, tutorial where I walk you step by step on how you can do the 5 steps, I share with you here in about 1 hour.

That is right, everything I am sharing with you below you can do in 1 hour with me!

The first step that professionals like me recommend when you want to generate leads is to have a Strategy...

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Many Businesses Will Not Survive This Pandemic, Will Yours?

Many Businesses Will Not Survive This Pandemic, Will Yours?

5 Simple Secrets to Be Successful Over the Next 90 Days


Were you prepared for this global pandemic? Have you adjusted to the current way of doing business?

Perhaps you may agree with me when I tell you that I believe we will survive our current situation.

Perhaps like me, you feel that if we survived 9/11, we will survive “social distancing” during this era of COVID-19.

Do you remember 9/11?

Where were you?

How did the events of the 9/11 attacks disturb your life?

On the morning of 9/11, I was driving on the GW Bridge in NYC on my way to work in lower Manhattan.

Did the events of 9/11 have an impact on our lives?

Yes, without going into details, I will tell you that it forced me to stay home for an entire month. But guess what? I made it through and came out alright.

After 9/11, I was hit once again by the financial crisis of 2008. Before that crisis, I had been enjoying the greatest financial prosperity...

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How To Get Ready To Have The Best New Year

How To Get Ready To Have The Best New Year

 Yes, I know that this is probably one of the most written about topics on blogs during this time of the year!

And yes, I know, everyone wishes you a happy New Year.

Obviously, you want a happy new year.

Heck, you may be thinking you will even settle for a better year than the one you had.

But when you realize you can't control everything that happens in your business, how can you be ready to have your best year?

It's simple!

Not easy, but simple.


You can begin getting ready to have your best year ever by preparing for it today and every day for the next 365 days.

As I said, it's simple.

First, it starts with you having the right mindset.

I mean the right expectation, the right attitude.

That may mean having even more than a positive attitude!

What does that mean?

An attitude of faith - faith in the things not yet seen.

You get ready by having a vision of a brand-New Year filled with infinite possibilities.

Fill your mind and...

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