Manifesting Money in 7 Days? It's Possible! (Here's How)

money manifesting Mar 25, 2024

Are you feeling fearful about manifesting the money you want to manifest before the end of the month?

Are you thinking and feeling – “it is just not possible.”

But are you sure it is not possible?

What if - it is possible?

Are you open and receptive to believing it can be possible?

If you are receptive to a new way of thinking then you are invited to “Flip The Script” by practicing the F.A.B. MoneyScripting™ Method of Manifesting in your journal today.

Here is what you want to do: First FEEL:

Begin by identifying your current limiting belief. For example, "I am not going to manifest the money I want this month because there are only 7 days left to this month and I have never been able to do that before."

Acknowledge your fear without judgment.
Where did this fear originate from?
Is it your ongoing scarcity mentality saying this to you or is it the fear of not being able to “make it happen”?

Pause here to Journal about why you feel this...

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Money Doesn't Grow on Trees? Can Manifesting Be a Miracle?

When you hear the saying, "money doesn't grow on trees" does it conjure up images of scarcity, limitations, and maybe even a side of trying too hard to get it?

But what if I told you there's another perspective?

Now, before you roll your eyes, or begin to tune out, please continue until the end. Manifesting isn't some wishy-washy, unicorn-chasing fantasy. It's about aligning your energy – your vibration - with your intentions by taking inspired actions.

Think of it this way: You plant a seed, nurture it with care, and watch it blossom into a beautiful tree. Sure, it doesn't happen overnight, but with intention and effort, it becomes possible.

Can manifesting be a miracle? Not in the "poof, here's a million bucks" kind of way. I believe that manifesting happens when we experience the miracle of it. What?

Let me explain, I believe in how the book: “A Course In Miracles” defines a miracle. ACIM defines a miracle as a correction in our perception. It goes on to say...

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Shut Up the Monkey Mind by Taming your Inner Critic

Have you ever sat down to write your goals and intentions, only to be barraged by a discord of negativity inside your head?

“Who are you kidding?” “Why do you bother writing your intentions for money when you write the same thing over and over and have not manifested anywhere near what you intended?”

That, my dear friend, is what some of us call the Monkey Mind in action. Yes, that sneaky inner critic who throws banana peels of doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs right under your manifesting mojo.

But fear not! We're not letting some mischievous monkey dictate our destiny. Today, we're learning how to tame that beast and turn our journals into launchpads for financial freedom with the F.A.B. MoneyScripting™ Method. And guess what? Science backs me up!

Step 1: Observe the Monkey

Grab your journal, and let's listen to the ruckus.

What's the Monkey Mind babbling about?

Is it whispering, "You'll never make it, you're not good enough"?

Maybe it's screaming "...

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