How Affiliate Marketing Partnerships Can Help You Attract More Clients

In this Bizniversity® blog post, we will discuss how to use affiliate marketing partnerships to attract and retain more clients.

Do you have a product, service, or solution that you love to promote because it benefits many people and can make you very profitable?

Do you wish you had a sales and marketing team helping you promote your new course or membership launch?

How would your business improve if you could have more people sharing the products, services, and solutions you love with others?

Well, this can happen!!!

One of the ways this can happen is by leveraging the power of Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a promotional strategy by which an affiliate partner can earn a commission for marketing another person's or company's products.

Affiliate marketing is an effective way to promote products, services, and solutions to your online community.

If you are a business owner you can contract independent affiliate marketers to promote your company solutions, or you can...

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How are your beliefs about money preventing you from attracting sales?

Today I woke up thinking about money and my relationship with it.

I have a question for you: have you thought about what is your relationship with money?

Do you have a good relationship with money?

Do you have – any - relationship with it – at all?

I'm not sure if you've ever thought about money in this way, because I never did.

You may agree that it is important for us to have a relationship with money - if we want to live an affluent life.

If we want to feel like we are doing good with our money, we must have a good relationship with it.

If you believe that, then please tell me why is it that we sometimes have NO relationship or a bad relationship with money?

My relationship deteriorated when I was forced to declare bankruptcy due to non-payment of over $250,000 in medical bills.

Let me explain. I had to declare bankruptcy because I became very ill and ended up in a hospital emergency room dying.
I did not have the money to pay for my over $250,000.00 in medical...

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Quick and Easy Ways to Boost Your Facebook Results

Did you know that Facebook groups are one of the best ways to generate leads in 2020?


Because Facebook is one of the world’s main social media platforms.

Why are Facebook Groups so powerful?

Because professionals like you are looking to connect and network online.

Business owners like you are looking for more personal interaction the way they used to experience it in person.

You may be wondering, what is the difference between a Facebook Group and a business page.

A Facebook Group can be hosted by a person, a company, or an organization to gather people who have a common interest.

It could be where “members” of a community come together to hold each other accountable and grow together.

A Facebook business page is different because it is more branded to the company that it represents, and it is a place to promote their products, services, and solutions.

The biggest benefits of having a Facebook Group are:

  • Increase connection because you can close the group and...
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How to Attract 100 New Leads When You Suck at Marketing


If you suck at marketing the title of this blog may have caught your attention. (it may take you less than 5 minutes to read it!)

This is a quick blog summary of a 90-Minute LIVE Hands-on, intensive, virtual seminar, and tutorial that I do at

While it is simple for me to attract 100 new leads because I have over 15 years of experience, I know that you may be thinking that it may not be so “easy” for you. But do not worry because I am going to share very simple steps with you here and then I will invite you to check out all the ways that you can grow your business by attracting leads when you join our Virtual Seminar with a similar title. Yes, we do a hands-on, tutorial where I walk you step by step on how you can do the 5 steps, I share with you here in about 1 hour.

That is right, everything I am sharing with you below you can do in 1 hour with me!

The first step that professionals like me recommend when you want to generate leads is to have a Strategy...

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Accelerate the Growth of Your Business by Marketing in The Inbox

Accelerate the Growth of Your Business by Marketing in The Inbox

How Investing $20 a month Can Make You Thousands of Dollars Every Year

Presented by Evie Hernandez

Bizniversity® Strategic Growth Speaker

Did you know that according to the Direct Marketing Association, email generates $38 for every $1 spent?

That is an astounding 3,800% ROI!

Email Marketing is one of the most effective options available for you to grow your business.

In 2019, global email users amounted to 3.9 billion users (Statista, 2020).

This figure is set to grow to 4.3 billion users in 2023 (Statista, 2020).

That’s half of the world’s population!

According to HubSpot, more than 50 percent of U.S. respondents check their personal email account more than 10 times a day, and it is by far their preferred way to receive updates from brands.

99% of consumers check their email every day.

59% of respondents say marketing emails influence their purchase decisions.

This statistic clearly shows that email...

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How to Position Your Business in This Time Of Disruption

How to Position Your Business in This Time Of Disruption

The Business Resiliency Strategy that will Drive Results


Whether your business has been directly impacted by the Coronavirus because you were forced to close it, or because like me, someone in your family has fallen ill and died from it, we have all been impacted in some way by the current situation.

You may agree that life is always changing, and it seems that as business owners we always must deal with change.

If at any time in your life, you had an experience like I did when I suffered a horrible illness that put me in the hospital for 9 days and resulted in me having a total financial breakdown due to an unsurmountable amount of medical bills, you may feel as I do: If you and I survived those situations we can survive this situation too.

You will agree that to succeed in business, we must have resiliency. Becoming an entrepreneur is synonymous with flexibility and the ability to bounce back.

At times, being a small...

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Many Businesses Will Not Survive This Pandemic, Will Yours?

Many Businesses Will Not Survive This Pandemic, Will Yours?

5 Simple Secrets to Be Successful Over the Next 90 Days


Were you prepared for this global pandemic? Have you adjusted to the current way of doing business?

Perhaps you may agree with me when I tell you that I believe we will survive our current situation.

Perhaps like me, you feel that if we survived 9/11, we will survive “social distancing” during this era of COVID-19.

Do you remember 9/11?

Where were you?

How did the events of the 9/11 attacks disturb your life?

On the morning of 9/11, I was driving on the GW Bridge in NYC on my way to work in lower Manhattan.

Did the events of 9/11 have an impact on our lives?

Yes, without going into details, I will tell you that it forced me to stay home for an entire month. But guess what? I made it through and came out alright.

After 9/11, I was hit once again by the financial crisis of 2008. Before that crisis, I had been enjoying the greatest financial prosperity...

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How To Get Ready To Have The Best New Year

How To Get Ready To Have The Best New Year

 Yes, I know that this is probably one of the most written about topics on blogs during this time of the year!

And yes, I know, everyone wishes you a happy New Year.

Obviously, you want a happy new year.

Heck, you may be thinking you will even settle for a better year than the one you had.

But when you realize you can't control everything that happens in your business, how can you be ready to have your best year?

It's simple!

Not easy, but simple.


You can begin getting ready to have your best year ever by preparing for it today and every day for the next 365 days.

As I said, it's simple.

First, it starts with you having the right mindset.

I mean the right expectation, the right attitude.

That may mean having even more than a positive attitude!

What does that mean?

An attitude of faith - faith in the things not yet seen.

You get ready by having a vision of a brand-New Year filled with infinite possibilities.

Fill your mind and...

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