Journaling: One of the Paths to Prosperity and Automatic Client Attraction

Journaling: One of the Paths to Prosperity and Automatic Client Attraction

What if I told you that you can Attract the High-Paying clients you want simply by journaling?

Would you begin writing? Do you believe that it can happen?

Journaling can help you get really clear on who you want to work with. It can also help you uncover what stops you from attracting your ideal clients. It can be an enormously powerful and insightful tool that expedites your client attraction.

In my last email, I shared with you that I had invested in working with several seven-figure coaches, trainers, and entrepreneurs that I admire.

I decided to invest my time and money with these people because my intention is to be a seven-figure entrepreneur. How about you? Have you thought about being financially free?

When I was young, I thought about being wealthy.

I have not become financially free and wealthy to the degree that I want to yet because I have had several negative experiences in my life that derailed me from achieving that goal.

But because I am always working on myself, and...

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How are your beliefs about money preventing you from attracting sales?

Today I woke up thinking about money and my relationship with it.

I have a question for you: have you thought about what is your relationship with money?

Do you have a good relationship with money?

Do you have – any - relationship with it – at all?

I'm not sure if you've ever thought about money in this way, because I never did.

You may agree that it is important for us to have a relationship with money - if we want to live an affluent life.

If we want to feel like we are doing good with our money, we must have a good relationship with it.

If you believe that, then please tell me why is it that we sometimes have NO relationship or a bad relationship with money?

My relationship deteriorated when I was forced to declare bankruptcy due to non-payment of over $250,000 in medical bills.

Let me explain. I had to declare bankruptcy because I became very ill and ended up in a hospital emergency room dying.
I did not have the money to pay for my over $250,000.00 in medical...

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