Do This One Thing Every Day If You Want to Attract Money Easily.

Uncategorized May 12, 2023

You may agree that money is an essential part of our lives. If you are like me, you may want to attract it easily and consistently.

Do you want to stop struggling to attract money into your life?

Do you want to learn a simple yet powerful daily practice to help you manifest abundance effortlessly?

If your answer is YES, then keep reading.

If you're someone who feels like you are constantly struggling to attract money into your life, you are not alone. There are many people who feel the same way.

In this article based on a recent Wealth Creation Wednesday Show, I am sharing one of my daily practices.

By now, hopefully, you are wondering what this daily practice is. 

Simple, it is the practice of using the F.A.B. Rich Future Self Journaling Method of Manifesting.

That means that I journal as my future self by using the F.A.B. Rich Method. 

This daily practice of journaling as your future self has helped many attract abundance easily and consistently.

The practice of journaling is powerful because it can transform our relationship with money.

First of all, if you are wondering what exactly I mean by the practice of manifestation, let me explain.

One of my definitions for manifestation is the practice of bringing our desires into reality through our feelings, actions, and beliefs.

When we align our feelings, actions, and beliefs with the energy of abundance and we consistently set intentions in our journals as our future selves, we can manifest our desires effortlessly.

Secondly, by now you may be wondering what the F.A.B. Rich Journaling Method of Manifesting is. Let me explain.

The F.A.B. (Feel, Act, Be) Rich Journaling Method of Manifesting is a powerful tool that I created to help me and women like you achieve our dreams by tapping into the power of our feelings.

It is a journaling method that involves writing as if you are already the person you want to be in the future. By doing this, you can manifest your desires and make them a reality.

The F.A.B. Rich Journaling Method of Manifesting involves three simple steps:






Journaling as your future self is a powerful practice that can help you manifest the life of your dreams, including financial abundance. When you write in your journal as if you are already enjoying abundance, you can start to shift your thoughts and beliefs around money and align your energy with the vibration of abundance.

Here's how you can use this method of manifesting when journaling.


The first step in journaling as your future self is to focus on how you want to feel. Take a few moments to imagine how you will feel when you have the financial abundance you desire.

Will you feel free, confident, and empowered?

Will you feel joyful and fulfilled?

Write down your feelings in your journal and describe them in as much detail as possible.

Use powerful, descriptive words to bring your feelings to life.

If you want, pause, and try that now.

Find a journal or a notebook and begin writing the emotions you want to experience when you are living the life of your dreams.


Next, you need to think about how you will act when you have the financial abundance you desire.

What are the habits, routines, and actions that you will experience when you become who you intend to be?

What kind of actions will you take?

Will you invest in yourself, travel the world, or start your own business?

Write down the actions you will take in your journal and be specific.

Visualize yourself taking these actions and feel the excitement and enthusiasm that comes with them.


Finally, you want to think about who you will be when you have the financial abundance you desire.
How will you show up in the world?
Will you be confident, generous, and loving?
Will you be a leader, a mentor, or a role model?
Write down the qualities you want to embody in your journal and describe them in detail.
Visualize yourself embodying these qualities and feel the sense of pride and fulfillment that comes with them.

Go ahead and feel free to write about that now.

By journaling as your future self, you are creating a powerful visualization tool that can help you manifest your desires. When you write in your journal as if you already have the money and abundance you desire, you are telling the universe that you are ready to receive it. You are aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions with the energy of abundance, and opening yourself up to receive the blessings of the universe.

Therefore, if you want to attract money and feel abundant, start journaling as your future self today.
Take a few minutes every day to visualize yourself living the life of your dreams, with all the financial freedom and abundance you desire.
Focus on how you want to feel, act, and be, and write it down in your journal.
Allow yourself to feel the emotions as if you already have the money and abundance you desire.
Believe that it is already yours, and watch as the universe responds to your thoughts and emotions.
With consistency and commitment, you can manifest the life of your dreams and create the financial freedom you've always wanted.

Below is an example of one of my journal entries:



May 10th, 2030

Dear Evie,

I can hardly believe it's been seven years since I first discovered the F.A.B. Rich Future Self Journaling Method.

I am now a 7-figure speaker and author. My life has been transformed beyond my wildest dreams.

The F.A.B. Rich Future Self Journaling Method has been the cornerstone of my success. By teaching people how to Feel, Act, and Be their future selves, I've been able to inspire and empower thousands of people to manifest wealth and abundance in their lives.

This journaling method has allowed people to tap into their deepest desires and connect with the power of their subconscious mind.

As I reflect on my journey, I realize that the key to my success has been my unwavering belief in the power of the F.A.B. Rich Future Self Journaling Method of Manifesting.

I knew that when people transform their mindset and connect with their future selves, success inevitably follows.

Of course, there have been many growth opportunities along the way. I learned how to market myself effectively and build a brand that people would trust and love.

By being passionate, dedicated, and persistent, I was able to build a community of Fab Rich women and I have established myself as an authority in the field of manifesting wealth by journaling.

Looking back, I'm filled with gratitude for the opportunities I've had to speak, teach, and write about the F.A.B. Rich Future Self Journaling Method.

It's been an incredible journey, and I know that there's so much more to come. As I continue to grow and evolve, I'm excited to see where this journey will take me next.

I am so happy and grateful.

Until next time,

My Future Self


Now it is your turn!


If you want to learn how to manifest your best future self by using the F.A.B. Rich Method click here:


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