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Who want to manifest your

F.A.B. Rich Future Self NOW!

🌟 i Moneyfest Now! 🌟


A one-month Fab Rich Women's Wealth Creation (Money Manifesting) Challenge


Are you ready to unlock your full potential for wealth creation, financial freedom, and money manifestation? It's time to turn your dreams into reality and claim the life of abundance you deserve. Welcome to the exclusive July month-long Fab Rich Women's Wealth Creation Challenge, where we introduce you to the transformative power of the F.A.B. Method of Manifesting. Get ready to manifest abundance and live the life of your dreams.


🌟 Why Choose the Fab Rich Women's Wealth Creation Challenge? 🌟


1️⃣ The F.A.B. Method of Manifesting: Gain access to our proprietary F.A.B. Method, a proven framework that combines powerful mindset shifts, actionable strategies, and proven manifesting techniques. This comprehensive approach will guide you step-by-step toward attracting wealth and abundance into your life. Say goodbye to limiting beliefs and hello to a mindset of unlimited possibilities.


2️⃣ Community of Empowered Women: Join our vibrant and supportive community of Fab Rich Women on Facebook. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who share your vision for success. This empowering community provides encouragement, motivation, and a safe space to share your journey. Together, we rise higher and faster.


3️⃣ The Fab Rich Woman Workbook and Journal: Receive your official F.A.B. Rich Woman Workbook and journal, meticulously crafted to help you document your progress, set clear intentions, and track your manifestations. This invaluable resource will become your trusted companion throughout the challenge and beyond. Watch as your dreams come to life on the pages of your journal.


4️⃣ Text Message Reminders: Stay motivated and on track with our personalized text message reminders. Receive uplifting messages, gentle nudges, and actionable tips directly to your phone, ensuring you stay focused and committed to your wealth creation journey. We're here to support you every step of the way.


5️⃣ Weekly Private Zoom Meetings: Engage in exclusive weekly private Zoom meetings with our experienced coaches and fellow Fab Rich Women. Participate in live Q&A sessions, gain invaluable insights, and receive personalized guidance to overcome any obstacles that may arise on your path to financial abundance. Together, we'll overcome every challenge and create unstoppable momentum.


6️⃣ Official Weekly Newsletter for VIP Members: As a VIP member, you'll receive our official weekly newsletter filled with insider tips, expert advice, and exclusive content. Stay informed, inspired, and equipped with the latest strategies and tools to accelerate your wealth creation journey. Get the knowledge and resources you need to make quantum leaps toward your goals.


🎁 Bonus Offer 🎁


1️⃣ One-on-One Session with Inspirational Speaker and Author, Evie Diaz. Valued at $497.00: Gain exclusive access to a one-on-one session with renowned inspirational speaker and author, Evie Diaz. Benefit from her wealth of knowledge and experience as she provides personalized guidance tailored to your specific goals and aspirations. Unleash your true potential with the guidance of a true mentor.

2️⃣ 1 Additional Month as a VIP Fab Rich Women Member: Take advantage of this limited-time bonus and enjoy an extra month as a VIP member of the Fab Rich Women community. Extend your access to all the exclusive resources, support, and opportunities for growth. Sustain your momentum and continue your transformation beyond the challenge.


💰 Investment: $97 💰


Secure your spot in the Fab Rich Women's Wealth Creation Challenge today and embark on a transformative journey toward financial freedom. Join our community of empowered women, unlock the secrets of the F.A.B. Method of Manifesting, and manifest the wealth and abundance you deserve.


Take action and RSVP NOW to this incredible opportunity – and claim your bonus. Your dreams are waiting for you.


Act now and create a life of unlimited wealth and success!


Remember, the power to manifest your financial freedom lies within you. Join us in the Fab Rich Women's Wealth Creation Challenge and unleash your full potential for wealth creation and abundance.


✨ Let's make your dreams a reality! ✨

Sign Up Today...

For Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!...?



i Moneyfest NOW!


A 1 Month Wealth Creation (Money Manifesting) Challenge is especially for you if...


💼 You've tried all the traditional wealth creation strategies, but haven't seen significant results in your financial growth.


💼 You've explored various avenues for generating income, but none have provided the level of success and abundance you desire.


💼 You've been struggling to manifest wealth and abundance in your life, and you're ready to embrace a new approach that combines mindset shifts, actionable strategies, and proven manifesting techniques.


💼 You're feeling overwhelmed and unsure about where to start on your wealth creation journey. You've heard about different methods and strategies but don't know which one is the right fit for you.


💼 You believe that the traditional approaches to wealth creation and manifesting may not work for you because you perceive your circumstances as "different" or unique.


If you nodded or said "yes" to any of the above, then

YES, this one-month iMoneyfest Wealth Creation (Money Manifesting) Challenge is 100% for you!


It's time to break free from your limitations and embrace a transformative journey toward financial freedom and abundance.

🌟 Ladies, Get Ready to Manifest Your Fab Rich Future Selves! 🌟


Evie Diaz - Inspirational Speaker and Author of the F.A.B. Feel, Act, and Be Rich Your Fabulously Rich Future Self Now!


Dear Fab Rich Women,

Are you ready to unlock the power within you and manifest your Fab Rich Future Self?

Get ready to embark on a life-changing journey like no other.

As an inspirational speaker and author of the F.A.B. Feel, Act, and Be Rich method, Evie Diaz is here to guide you through the iMoneyfest Wealth Creation (Money Manifesting) One-Month Challenge.

This challenge is designed exclusively for women who are ready to step into their greatness, embrace their financial abundance, and manifest the life they truly desire.

We present to you the F.A.B. (Feel, Act, and Be) Rich Method of Manifesting – a transformative approach that will empower and inspire you to create your Fab Rich Future Self.

🌟 Why Choose the iMoneyfest Wealth Creation (Money Manifesting) One-Month Challenge? 🌟


1️⃣ The F.A.B. Method of Manifesting: Gain access to the powerful F.A.B. Method, a revolutionary framework that combines the power of feeling, acting, and being rich. This method will take you on a journey of self-discovery, aligning your thoughts, emotions, and actions to manifest your financial dreams.


2️⃣ Empowerment and Inspiration: Surround yourself with a community of like-minded women who are on a mission to manifest their Fab Rich Future Selves. Connect, collaborate, and uplift each other as you share your dreams, challenges, and triumphs. Together, we will create an unstoppable force of empowerment and inspiration.


3️⃣ Expert Guidance from Evie Diaz: Evie Diaz, an inspirational speaker and author of the F.A.B. Feel, Act, and Be Rich method, will share her expertise, strategies, and mindset shifts that have empowered countless women to achieve financial success. Learn from Evie's wisdom and discover the secrets to manifesting wealth and abundance in your own life.


4️⃣ Transformative Tools and Techniques: Experience a comprehensive toolkit of transformative resources, including workbooks, meditations, and action plans, specifically designed to support your manifestation journey. These tools will guide you every step of the way, allowing you to manifest your Fab Rich Future Self with ease and clarity.


5️⃣ Unleash Your Inner Potential: This challenge is not just about manifesting wealth; it's about unleashing your full potential in all areas of your life. Discover your unique gifts, talents, and purpose as you step into the confident, empowered woman you were meant to be. The Fab Rich Future Self is within your reach.


🌟 Secure Your Spot Now! 🌟


To join the iMoneyfest Wealth Creation (Money Manifesting) One-Month Challenge and manifest your Fab Rich Future Self.


This is your opportunity to rewrite your financial future, empower yourself, and create a life of abundance.

Remember, you have the power to manifest your dreams and create a legacy of wealth and success. The time to manifest your Fab Rich Future Self is now.

Let's embark on this transformative journey together!

Evie Diaz Inspirational Speaker and Author of the F.A.B. Feel, Act, and Be Rich Your Fabulously Rich Future Self Now!


Virtual Event: 


Friday @ 12 PM EST


Because you want to finally enjoy the life you want.


Your commitment

You have 2 ways to invest in yourself and your commitment to manifesting your intentions.

This is for the Fab Rich Woman who is also a Very Inspired/Inspiring Person.


Are you ready to take your wealth creation to the next level?

If so, then you want to get your VIP ticket to the Wealth Creation/Money Manifesting Challenge!

As a VIP, you'll get everything that the regular challenge attendees get, plus a whole lot more.


As a VIP, you'll get:

  • A Workbook and Journal to work through all the Manifestation exercises that we will do in our month together. This will help you stay organized and focused on your goals.


  • A one-on-one manifestation meeting with me (Valued at $497)

  • 1 Month as a VIP Fab Rich Women during the month of August 2023

  • Replays and Recordings of the entire event. 





  • Accountability Partner - You will be assigned an AP to hold you accountable during the event.

  • Free F.A.B. Rich Women General Membership 


Click below now to get your VIP ticket today.




🌟 What Women Participants Can Expect from the iMoneyfest Challenge 🌟


Are you ready to step into your financial power and manifest the life of abundance you deserve? Get ready for an extraordinary experience with the iMoneyfest Challenge. As an expert sales and marketing copywriter, I'm here to give you a glimpse of what you can expect as a participant in this life-changing program.


Empowerment and Transformation:

Prepare to be empowered and inspired as you embark on a transformative journey toward financial abundance. The iMoneyfest Challenge is designed to help you unleash your full potential and manifest the life of your dreams. You'll gain the mindset, strategies, and tools needed to create a wealth-conscious mindset and take powerful action toward your financial goals.


Exclusive Community of Support:

Join a vibrant and supportive community of like-minded women who are on the same journey as you. Connect, collaborate, and uplift each other as you share your dreams, challenges, and victories. This community will be your source of encouragement, motivation, and inspiration throughout the challenge and beyond. Together, we will create an unstoppable force of empowered women.



Actionable Strategies and Tools:

Gain access to a treasure trove of actionable strategies and tools that will propel you toward your financial goals. From wealth-building techniques to manifestation practices, you'll learn how to attract abundance into your life and create sustainable wealth. These practical resources will empower you to take immediate action and see tangible results.


Accountability and Motivation:

Stay on track and maintain unwavering focus with accountability. You'll receive ongoing support, motivation, and encouragement to keep pushing forward, even when faced with challenges. We're committed to your success and will guide you every step of the way, ensuring you stay aligned with your financial aspirations.


Lasting Financial Transformation:

Ultimately, participating in the iMoneyfest Challenge is about experiencing lasting financial transformation. You'll gain the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to create a life of abundance and financial freedom. The impact of this challenge will extend far beyond the program itself, as you implement what you've learned and witness your wealth grow exponentially.


🔥 Take the Next Step and Secure Your Spot! 🔥


Transform your relationship with money and manifest the financial abundance you desire.


Secure your spot in the iMoneyfest Challenge.


It's time to step into your financial power and create the life of abundance you deserve.


Remember, you have the power within you to manifest your financial dreams. Together, let's unleash your full potential and create a future filled with wealth, success, and abundance.


Let's embark on this incredible journey together!

Even though this event is virtual, we are limiting the number of attendees.

Additionally, when we keep the group small, we’re able to give you a more intimate and in-depth training unlike anything you've experienced before!

But you need to 
ACT NOW and before you leave this page.

Once you do leave this page, this offer disappears 
*POOF* for good...

So what’re you waitin’ for?!?

Hit, click, tap, or smack that button below RIGHT NOW and upgrade to VIP before it’s too late!!