How You Can Trust Email Like A Good Friend

I cannot believe that some of my business friends speak negatively about one of my most trusted friends.

I am curious.

What is the longest business relationship that you have ever had?

The longest business relationship that I have had, has lasted well over 12 years.

Therefore, you can Imagine my surprise when I hear other business friends speaking negatively about one of my best friends.

By the way, please stay with me because I promise this story has a happy ending.

By now, you may know that I have been in business for over 12 years.

Well, I have worked with this business friend for that long!

Of course, my friend has been around for a lot longer than 12 years and because my friend is old some people think that my friend is out of sync with today’s rapidly evolving digital world.

Although my friend is older, I continue trusting my friend because I trust the results I have obtained. As a matter of fact, I will share some results I have obtained lately.

Some people think and...

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Simple Ways Your Online Marketing Can Be Better

Want to Know Why Your Online Marketing Is Not Working?

Have you attended a webinar recently and started using a new digital tool because it was suggested to you by the speaker?

Have you been posting and getting on social media every day in hopes of generating brand awareness and leads, but instead have received offers from others trying to sell something to you?

If you can relate to any of the statements above, then I want to invite you to find out Why Your Online Marketing Is Not Working.

Do you believe that trying different marketing tactics and waiting to see if something sticks is a strategy?

Because it is not!

If you want to increase your brand awareness and lead generation, you must first understand the importance of having a strategy. I have a strategy that may work for you and you can find out if it is for you by taking our quiz at the end of this article.

It is normal for us to get excited about using the newest shiniest technology that we are presented with because we have...

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